Saturday, November 20, 2010


ttbew jew asew nk post..skang ni mkin dewasa mkin byk probs n halangan yg dtg tnpa ktew duga..even sumtymes it happen from people that we loves n lives together..people are not perfect..they change..a's either we realizes about it or not..they will always change..what ever it is...they still your friends..appreciates it while you can...manusia kdg2 selalu kecewa kn diri ktew xleyh nk expect yg everyone will always be by your sides all the time..learn from your mistakes..FRIENDSHP is not something yg ktew leyh PUTUS kn or nk BINA mcm 2's based on trust, loves n everything...kdg2 ktew asew tension ngn kwn2..i guess bnd tuhh perkara besew..ktew akn slaloo asew mcm 2..kwn xpenah ckew ktew..kwn slaloo susah kn ktew..or anything kt dowg jugak la kn tmpt ktew ngadu..relationship is a SCARY thing but we do ENJOY it..too much to be forget about everything what we've done together...PLEASE cbew crik jln to get back together..we have so much fun together..all the laughter n joy..i really hope yg kowg will always stick together..FYI kdg2 sy dew asew jelesh gak sbb kowg sgt kamcheng..always happy together..bkn senang nk crik kwn yg btol2 KAMCHENG n yg dew CHEMISTRY r ktew slaloo pgil as BFF..mmg ktew mkin BUSY n mcm2 PROBS..ngn ASSIGNMENT..QUIZ..TEST..PROJECT etc..cmpai ktew xperasan yg ktew da saketkn ati kwn ktew's easy to FORGIVE but to FORGET..yew mmg sy xtaw about what exactly happen between you guys but i just hope that if you guys even dpt saling memaafkn da ckop b'syukur..

p/s: sy akn slaloo doakn kebahagian n kejayaan kwn2 guys are the best.!!

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